
Yamunanagar: OET and IELTS Prep Centre

Mentor India conducted a workshop on Language proficiency at the Yamunanagar Nursing Institute on 25th February, 2020, at 11 am. It was organised to familiarise students with the options available for Language proficiency and career progression.

An IELTS and OET Prep Centre opened in Yamunanagar last week. We are happy to facilitate IELTS aspirants to take the IELTS prep course, and for healthcare professionals to take the OET preparation course, near their vicinity and pursue their dreams of studying, working or migrating to a country of their choice.

Language proficiency courses in will be offered through our centres at Yamunanagar, Barara and other satellite towns. Both of these courses will soon be offered in other satellite cities of Punjab, Haryana and Himachal.

  • IELTS tests the language ability of candidates who need to study or work in an environment where English is the language of communication. IELTS tests all four language skills – listening, reading, writing and speaking. The test is designed to test the communication and comprehension skills of the candidates in an English environment.
  • OET assesses the language proficiency of healthcare professionals. It provides assessment of all four language skills – listening, reading, writing and speaking – through test material designed to reflect real healthcare scenarios. Our aim is to help Indian nurses and other healthcare professionals gain the English language skills they need to work and practise in their country of choice. OET results are accepted by healthcare regulators in the UK, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, Dubai, Namibia, Singapore and Ukraine as proof of English language proficiency.

If you are interested in joining a prep course for either IELTS or OET, we are here to help!!


IELTS workshop at Mentor Skills India

Mr Andrew Steele an expert, with over 30 years of experience in the English Language testing System, took a one and a half hours workshop on the “Writing Module for IELTS” for our students and candidates.

He began the workshop by sharing his experience of training and teaching, which has been that people in South East Asia go by the assumption that just by practicing the modules, without actually understanding them, they will be able to better their earlier scores, or that they can clear the test by just joining one of the many IELTS Institutes that demand exorbitant fees from them.

He stressed upon the need for our students to understand and quantify their expectations of the desired band score, based on their level of English Language. To increase one band score, a candidate will require at least a minimum of 120 hours of study or preparation. Keeping that in mind, it is imperative that candidates take a diagnostic test to understand their capability, before going in for a preparation course.

He highlighted the fact that a candidate for IELTS must understand that the IELTS test is “International” English Language Testing System and not “Indian” English Language Testing System. Therefore it is recommended that a candidate be an aware individual. He must be sensitive towards the burning issues that matter internationally. He concluded with an adage that a well-rounded education along with a B+1 level of English is the minimum requirement for a candidate who wishes to appear for the IELTS test.