
Yamunanagar: OET and IELTS Prep Centre
Mentor India conducted a workshop on Language proficiency at the Yamunanagar Nursing Institute on 25th February, 2020, at 11 am. It was organised to familiarise students with the options available for Language proficiency and career progression. An IELTS and OET Prep Centre opened in Yamunanagar last week. We are happy to facilitate IELTS aspirants to take the IELTS prep course, and for healthcare professionals to take the OET preparation course, near their vicinity and pursue their dreams o...Read More
IELTS workshop at Mentor Skills India
Mr Andrew Steele an expert, with over 30 years of experience in the English Language testing System, took a one and a half hours workshop on the “Writing Module for IELTS” for our students and candidates. He began the workshop by sharing his experience of training and teaching, which has been that people in South East Asia go by the assumption that just by practicing the modules, without actually understanding them, they will be able to better their earlier scores, or that they can cle...Read More

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